When Down is Up. Modified Relationship Roles; Table the FUD
Take your child abroad. Your child may surprise you. A zillion plus one abilities! offset by one commonplace disability. Big deal. Disability nuts.
(Zillion Abilities + One Ability)
- One Disability
Zillion Abilities
Down Syndrome.
Now, that is an Upper.
Dan opens doors in every way.
Dan Widing, Antwerp docks, Pan-Earth All Cuisines Restaurant
Two to Go: Roles on the Loose
Travel with Disabilities
Here is a small essay on how we travel with a son with disabilities. The conclusion will be - it depends on the "disability" and the person.
The caution is this: If non-disabled people can't put in perspective the fear of foreign, our children with disabilities won't either.
So, use your head, but do as you like.
(Zillion Abilities + One Ability)
- One Disability
Zillion Abilities
Down Syndrome.
Now, that is an Upper.
Dan opens doors in every way.
Dan Widing, Antwerp docks, Pan-Earth All Cuisines Restaurant
Two to Go: Roles on the Loose
Travel with Disabilities
Here is a small essay on how we travel with a son with disabilities. The conclusion will be - it depends on the "disability" and the person.
The caution is this: If non-disabled people can't put in perspective the fear of foreign, our children with disabilities won't either.
So, use your head, but do as you like.