Boost Understanding. Start travel at home.
A. Travel: Give travel to Others.
B. Do It In Place for Yourself. Give travel to yourself, locally in unfamiliar neighborhoods.
What can you learn by going for coffee in another's neighborhood.
See How.
A. Travel: Give travel to Others.
B. Do It In Place for Yourself. Give travel to yourself, locally in unfamiliar neighborhoods.
What can you learn by going for coffee in another's neighborhood.
See How.
A. Travel as a Gift
Give to the child, the grandchild, the graduate.
Give the gift of independence, trying something out. Are all our fears necessary? Can we give the gift of the "flaneur" experience, the going abroad, or into unfamiliar territory, to see what it is like, to see that we have similarities as well as differences, bridge cultural, and economic gaps.
1. Travel. Give it.
Do you have a graduate. A child in need of a boost. The gift of non-tour travel is a gift of experiences, and independence, but not things. See
Are things that important to our children's future?
The idea is viral. See Experiences are of more value to our children, and ourselves, over things.
How to put a value on independence from imposed fear. Learn for yourself what is worth, and not worth, "fear". Modes of travel address that.
Give the gift of independence, says Leon Logothetis in the Los Angeles Times. Enable a child (that one is an adult) to go off somewhere and let what happens happen, see,0,2204867.story/
2. If you merely give "independence," however, think many, you have no Thing to show for it. Life is things. What if we leave our children no "things".
If you give a child or grandchild something to put on a shelf, or have a financial advisor manage, the child has lost.
- No "thing". as a gift, is not "nothing."
Use the sport of Curling is a model.
The team requires some to start the rock in motion, and some other people to help sweep the path ahead.
Can your contribution to a young person, or anyone else, to travel, put you in the position of sweeper -- without which contribution the rock would stop.
See; or http :// Watch it at
B. Travel locally.
Don't stop with encouraging others to travel.
Do it for yourself.
Does travel on one's own, and its risks and challenges, produce more integrated information in the brain, as compared to, say a life of shopping and keeping up.
Does more integrated brain information "stay" longer, in times of mental deterioration. See Sizing Up Consciousness as Bits of Information, NYT 9/21/10, Science section, article by Carl Zimmer about Dr. Giulio Tononi's research.
3. Aging.
Can you assist your own caretaker in advance of the need? By what you do for your own brain and memories now? See
4. If travel itself is not feasible, do it in place.
Take a bus or walk for a day in an unfamiliar ethnic area.
Stop. Get out. See a coffee shop. Go in. Don't be foolish, start with a reasonable comfort level, and research what kinds of signals and steps will tend to make you safe, see :// Simple steps about your car and being purposeful help empower, convey and bring about relaxed confidence.
- Go to an ethnic neighborhood. Independence Thwarts Fox. Would your world-view change, would you spend so much time listening to Fear and Dump Talk if you actually found you enjoyed yourself more by getting out.
- Would our democracy function, if people actually "traveled" to their own inner city or an ethnic enclave wherever; and had lunch there.
- Give yourself a task: paper, three lines, and you are to put on each line what someone there looked like (not necessarily a name) and where they were raised. That's all. That's a start in communication. Fox and other fixed worldview purveyors: opiners depend on dependent people. It would be out of business if their audience went abroad, no tours, no dogma on how to interpret everything, but found they could vet the world themselves.
- Go to a mosque, a synagogue, any other religious shrine or institutional place of worship.
- Independent assessment thwarts legislators projecting causes of problems on others. There is a mosque near you. There will be, we have found, people there to help you feel comfortable, and let you know the customs. If everybody went to one mosque, and one synagogue, and one or more other shrines and talked and asked questions, would negative stereotypes diminish even a little.
- For companionship, take, perhaps a still child-child, or a differ-abilities adult child.
- A person with Down Syndrome, for example, as we do.What abilities are there that just need a sweeper in front. What would happen to the Fear being spread about so freely these days if people challenged the idea that the world is to be feared. Travel where you are planted.
How about that. See
Curling: An Olympic sport, see
For each one take one (as in a trip to a new place, even close to home), see each one teach one, Frank Laubach, theology perspective, at ://; and literacy focus at ://
Does living in heightened awareness enhance consciousness? Travel, Curling, Aging and Actualizing. Choose Independence over Dependence. Boost your child. Travel in Place: Go Local To Start.
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