Russia: Go first, study after. The brain never stops, including for Down Syndrome.
Russia by tour: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Our first tour. No regrets.
Car backpacking. Road trip tip changes.
Language Crib Sheet for the Wallet
Language Crib Sheet for the Wallet
Flaneurs at Europe Road Ways. The Car-Dan Tour Company flans. The Art of the Flaneur. .
Travel in Place. Give the Gift of Travel. Living Without Fear. Can Fear Be Reduced.
Chain-Saw the Guide Books - Regional Travel
Sasha and Michele - One Parent One Child. Benefits of Travel. No Western White House.
Recurrent thrift in food and lodging. And fraud.
Travel for No Return: The Statistical Side of Planning
2009 Trip Pending. Hand-Span Non-Plans in the Bucket. Guides.
When Down is Up. Modified Relationship Roles; Table the FUD
The Budget - How It Can Become Possible. Antidotes to HGTV addiction
Why We Do It: After-the-Fact, Spin-Off Interests
Pictograph T-shirt for the traveler's holiday
Pictograph T-shirt for the traveler's holiday
Pay child support before asking for a passport. Pay all bills.
The Necessary; the WC. The Way to Go.
Juggling languages and currencies - Your Own Crib Sheet
Airport tips; Jet lag; Cash stash; Fares
Mechanics: Cell phones; Travel insurance; GPS
Guide to the blog cluster, Europe Road Ways
2007: Back from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia. Our Domesday Book.
Staying alert: route-timing, theft, credit cards
Staying alert: route-timing, theft, credit cards
Translating; Self-Scripting
Paper Wins - No e-Tickets Alone. Other passport issues.
Paper Wins - No e-Tickets Alone. Other passport issues.
PIN-Up with Credit cards; Gas Stations
PIN-Up with Credit cards; Gas Stations
Travel Outside the Turret. Safety tips. Stealth Travel.
Travel Outside the Turret. Safety tips. Stealth Travel.
Queasy? Happens seldom. Relax
Queasy? Happens seldom. Relax
Keep receipts; pay in cash (see currency conversion post here)
Keep receipts; pay in cash (see currency conversion post here)
Driving Rules : The Rule of Ears; Passing; International Road Signs
Driving Rules : The Rule of Ears; Passing; International Road Signs
The Ferry Rule: If you see one, take it
The Ferry Rule: If you see one, take it
Bad hair days: Pinking shears
Bad hair days: Pinking shears
Wardrobe: One to Wash, One to Wear, One for Spare. Border issues.
Currency conversion gimmick
Currency conversion gimmick
Travel by the Shape of the Country - Summary of Loops
Travel by the Shape of the Country - Summary of Loops
The occasional day bus tour
Precautions: Safekeeping your documents, luggage
Car rentals, insurance, parking Lost
Car rentals, insurance, parking Lost
Buying: We don't
Buying: We don't
Museums - One Big per City, rest Small
Packing Suggest Takes- minimal. And baggies baggies.
The Laundry Rule - Every night, thank you
The Laundry Rule - Every night, thank you
Benefit time: The Fruits of our Trips for the Nuts - Travel with Dan
TRIPS INDEX- The Ad Hoc Ersatz Car-Dan Tour Company
TRIPS INDEX- The Ad Hoc Ersatz Car-Dan Tour Company
TOP PHOTO. Kalmar Castle, Sweden.
TOP PHOTO. Kalmar Castle, Sweden.
Visit first, read about it later. Too much advance information is overwhelming.
Chablis France
Chablis France
Chablis France
Dan and Vintner; farmhouse tasting
Welcome to Europe Road Ways, our own trips. Find a map and a guidebook and go.
Welcome to Europe Road Ways, our own trips. Find a map and a guidebook and go.
We began the easy way: We chose Ireland several years ago, with its similar language and food, its small geographical area comparatively, some family roots, and we had only to cope with driving on the left.

From that, we branched out to see other countries and regions in Europe, each trip some two weeks. We eat and sleep wherever, and have so far found consistently safe and clean places. We cross borders freely (no itinerary). How to find us if we disappear? We carry lots of ID, register at consulates or embassies sometimes, and email home our plans as we make them.

Side benefits: For parent-child travel, the child becomes adult, a full participant in decisions. Whether related to the trips or just Himself, Dan has developed substantial street-smarts, and is a history buff. He is an inquisitive, responsible citizen of a larger world.

See also Europe Road Ways on the Web
About Me
About Me
1. Travel, improvised road trips. Two on the Loose: EUROPE ROAD WAYS. How we do it; (click) Europe Road Ways, How We Do It; and Europe Road Ways on the Web. Blogs for countries visited: Andorra Road Ways, Austria Road Ways, Belgium Road Ways, Bosnia Road Ways, China Road Ways (Jon's trip), Croatia Road Ways, Czech Republic Road Ways, Denmark Road Ways, England Road Ways, France Road Ways, Germany Road Ways, Greece Road Ways (Carol and Jon), Hebrides Road Ways, Hungary Road Ways, Ireland Road Ways, Italy Road Ways, Liechtenstein Road Ways, Luxembourg Road Ways, Montenegro Road Ways, Netherlands Road Ways, Norway Road Ways, Orkney Road Ways, Poland Road Ways, Romania Road Ways, Russia Road Ways Moscow, Russia Road Ways St.Petersburg, Scotland Road Ways, Sicily Road Ways, Slovakia, Slovenia Road Ways, Spain Road Ways, including Gibraltar, Sweden Road Ways, Switzerland Road Ways, Trieste Road Ways, Wales Road Ways;
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