Our purpose in trips includes ongoing education for our son  -- for a fabulously inquisitive, street-smart, Down Syndrome adult who deserves, as anyone, every feasible opportunity to be a rounded, informed person. Public schooling -- he still sees his favorite teachers -- did well, but stopped.

Russia by train, air and bus, for two major cities.

See two sites:

1.   Russia Road Ways. Moscow; and

2.   Russia Road Ways St. Petersburg.


The Latest Europe Road Ways

Road Trip Return:

Pyrenees, Northern Spain, South of France.

Planning changes with the times.

With some fourteen years of road trips with my adult son, we are modifying some earlier how-to's to accommodate 1. Rental car size;  2. Trips technology; 3.

Getting the Idea Across Fast

With this online, we can translate the basics in a flash, go anywhere, and not reinvent the wheel each time. We are heading off to Barcelona, Pyrenees and South of France.  French I know, enough.  Spanish:  need more help.

The Great Travel Focus

The Flaneur

How and Where the Most Important Experiences Happen. 

Is that so?

Flan, the great key: Flan.

I flan, you flan, he-she-or-it flans,

We flan, you (pl) flan, they flan.

They what?  They flan. FLAN.  They peruse. Saunter.

Boost Understanding. Start travel at home.

A.  Travel:  Give travel to Others. 

B.  Do It In Place for Yourself. Give travel to yourself, locally in unfamiliar neighborhoods.

What can you learn by going for coffee in another's neighborhood.

See How.



Traveler's Guide to The Axe.

Reduce the Bulk of the Guidebooks

Guidebooks are heavy.  Too heavy.  Regional travel, going to multiple countries, adds to the carry-on.  Solution:  The Great Chop.  The Axe. And plastic bags with zippers and rubber bands inside..


The Value of a Trip with a Child 

Benefits of One Parent, One Child Travel

Consider it in the Entire Budget

Here:  No Western White House saves taxpayers a bundle

How to justify the expense of taking one child on a trip.

Saving money abroad. 

Watching out for fraud.

Condensing Baggage

Travel hazard. 

Fraud, and paying necessary and avoiding unnecessary expenses

The Parking Ticket.

Prepare for the worst.

What if you don't come back?

Death planning and the Post Mortem Sorters

Did you ever think, 

As the....

Imagine the unimaginable. You die. Fuss?  No.  Plan? Yes. Simply plan what you can for yours, and move on with your other decisions.  Death planning. Go ahead. Say it.

How Much Can You Really Cover

Use your handspan as the measure, on the same all-Europe map each time.

Scoping out a trip II. 

Update for 2009 - and Disease Planning.

Take your child abroad.  Your child may surprise you. A zillion plus one abilities! offset by one commonplace disability. Big deal. Disability nuts.

(Zillion Abilities + One Ability)

- One Disability

Zillion Abilities    

Down Syndrome.

Now, that is an Upper.

Dan opens doors in every way.

Working toward a travel budget

Plan for Leaving the House.



The After-Home Rewards.  Research at Home

Dan as Samson in Spain, but with Roman Ruins

Our idea from the start was this: Skip the bus. And it works.

Here are some of the areas we explored after getting back:

1. Petr Ginz.


Sign Language: Universal Symbols

The Brightest Idea on the Block

We have no connection with this product at all, but if we find one, we'll carry it. 

In the glove compartment.

Sometimes you really need a fast answer, or a fast point.


Pay your bills in advance

Make extra payment to tide you over.

Also pay that child support before requesting a passport.

Family in ticket line, Bosnice, Slovakia


Pay your bills before you go.  Use online to set up payments while you are away, even a flat amount anticipating charges.

Wallet Phrase List

Where is the WC?

When In Need....

We found WC facilities, and even if just in time, at each need-related event.  Just learn how to ask for it. WC means "water closet" in most of Europe.  Or just say, toiletten, or a variation.  Pointing gets you nowhere.

Currency Converter Crib Sheet -- Your Own.

Set it up for multiple currencies.

Take baggies.

Slovakia, currency and coin


1. Crossing several country boundaries in one trip takes some planning, for money changing, emergencies and eating, and directions.

Surviving the Airport Maze

Locating the Airport

Write Out the Name of your Airport

There can be several near your city

Oops. Wrong airport. Spin that wheel! Go back! Go back!

A. Airports

1. Be sure you have directions to the specific airport you need, and by name.

Cell phone optional.

Our system doesn't do reservations anyway.

Travel insurance. Yes.

Take a GPS.

High Tatras, Poland, Slovakia border

Exposure travel. Here we are, in the High Tatras, between Slovakia and Poland.

1. So far, we do not carry cell phones.

Outline of Europe Road Ways Blog Cluster

And following people in bronze

See Site indexes now, at Gristmill Sites by Dint 

Country road, Poland.

The more years that we take our trips, the more complex our homespun web sites become. Here is the needed road map:


A Preparations Inventory

Our Own Domesday Book of Travel tips

Dan and Travel Night Life, in his trusty travel rain jacket; 

Everybody needs an inventory sometime. An early one was The Domesday Book, a land and other inventory commissioned by William the Conqueror in England in 1085.

Don't get caught out after dark

And button up the car every time.

Lukewarm food warnings.

1. Watch the time of day.

Match available daylight with your need to cover mountains and hills.  Keep dusk for level ground if you can.

Example: Ireland.

People smile when you try to speak their language. Great start. Go ahead. This Distaff Pilgrimage group to the Black Madonna at Czestochowa, Poland, turned out to be a lark for all of us. We enjoyed meeting them.

You may not have a choice any more on e-tickets.  Our last trip provided no paper tickets, offered none, said we could not have one.  This was to mainstream Europe, however - Scandinavia - and not to other less-touristy places as before, like Romania.

Gas station, Europe. HR would be Croatia, but the car wash sign is in English. Still Croatia? We forget.

Gas stations may require a PIN with your credit card. Be sure your credit cards have PIN's before you go.

Education by Travel

Advantages of independent traveling. If you have any interest in travel on your own, and accept the unexpected, try it. To us right now, tours look like travel in a turret, or a bunker - all protections, and narrow, fixed sightlines.

Stonehenge Single Stone, England

1. Illness. This Stonehenge fellow illustrates a consequence of hapless indulgences.

Always so good to be home, safe.

Dan and Jon at Homecoming

But no final cheering for a disaster-free trip until you have all the credit card statements. Keep all receipts. In a baggie.

Horror story: We were charged double, for a hotel nearest the airport the night before the flight out of Zagreb.

Accidents. I see more accidents while driving in the US than I have seen in Europe. I see skilled drivers there: quick, but following different rules of the road. Learn their rules before driving. See www.ideamerge.com/motoeuropa/roadsigns/.

If you see a ferry, you have to take it

Ferry, Croatia; car-packing

This Rule led us to the Hebrides from Skye, and to the Orkney Islands from the John-o'-Groats area in northern Scotland, just beyond the Highlands.

Travel bad hair days

Skip the curlers and clips. Cut your hair with pinking shears before you go. Hang your head over the sink, part it straight down the back as though for braids, and then comb it all forward over your whole face.

What to Pack

One to wash, one to wear, one for spare.  That's it for each basic category.  We have taken it down from that, and only take one sweater, for example. 

In addition: Take one robish-thing in case the WC is down the hall; and opaque nightwear. We used to take three pairs of day-shoes.

Currency Conversion Made Easy

Go on Excel and list dollars in one column

And each needed currency beside, in another column-

And with reasonable increments

Cut off the extra.

It doesn't matter where you start or where you go. You will see signs for the big stuff anyway. Do them as you see them. When in doubt, head for a coast and just go clockwise. As you see signs for forays inland, go. If you are lost, pick a direction.

If you are in a big city,


Then take a double-decker bus tour

And hop on, hop off.

Switzerland, Vega-Tour bus. Vegetable tour?

Best on Mondays when many countries close things. Museums shut.

Perfect for getting the mobile overview.

Bus tours?  Sometimes.  But rarely.

Travel precautions. Look behind you once in a while.

Dan is demonstrating that travel principle at the annual Bojnice Castle play, Slovakia.

1. In pocket: For each traveler, carry an ID and where the current hotel is.

Put copy of passport also

In wallet with USA contact phone number.


Dan with rental car

Size matters. Keep it small. If the rental company tries to get you to upgrade, don't.

1. Cars: Compact size. No bigger. Roads are too narrow and twisty in many places.

Standard shift is cheaper and gives better control.

Insurance: Check carefully your own coverage.

Shopping.  Who Needs It.

Budget plus weight equals nuisance

Skip it. Too much time away from seeing what we want to see.

We do photos, postcards, maps and local guidebooks.

Swiss Museum find, Yverdon les Bains.

Don't skip all the museums. You may learn something, like a 19th Century Swiss spa using mummy bone grindings for health.

We do one big museum per big city,

Then choose

Out-of-the-way, topical museums

Like the one for the Brothers Grimm

In Kassel, Germany.

TRIPS INDEX- The Ad Hoc Ersatz Car-Dan Tour Company
TRIPS INDEX- The Ad Hoc Ersatz Car-Dan Tour Company
TOP PHOTO. Kalmar Castle, Sweden.
TOP PHOTO. Kalmar Castle, Sweden.
Visit first, read about it later. Too much advance information is overwhelming.
Chablis France
Chablis France
Chablis France
Dan and Vintner; farmhouse tasting
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